Light manufacturing is also a growing industry in Davao city. It is considered as one of the top sectors for investment promotion because of its potential in generating local employment from a skilled workforce. The light industry is versatile, with many uses from industrial to aesthetic and therapeutic making it a competitive field in the global market.

Aside from the light manufacturing industry, bio-technology and cosmetic production is also viable in the city, Because of the access to sufficient raw materials, cheap utilities and the availability of a skilled human resource, these industries grow rapidly in the city.

New Advancements in light manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics:

  • Rise of local and international light manufacturing, pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies
  • Development of sources for Construction and related materials – wood-based (doors, windows, plywood and veneer, moldings); metal-based; non-metal based; chemical based (e.g. PVC, plastic, vinyl, paints)

Existing businesses:

  • International Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
  • Davao Thermo Biotech Corp
  • New Davao Oil Mill, Inc

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